CLCS 4325: Hyphenated Lives: Muslim-Americans in the U.S.
Days: Tuesday/Thursday
Time: 12:25-1:45 pm
This course is taught in English.
In this course, we will learn the basic tenets and early history of Islam, and study
Islam in America, with attention to the current issues facing Muslim-Americans in
the U.S. Five issues that we will especially focus on in reading and discussing Muslim-Americans'
lives will be issues of identity, religion, race, nationality, and ethnicity. Our
study of this urgent topic will be against the backdrop of misperceptions and stereotyping
of Muslims by the mainstream media, especially since 9/11, as well as the targeting
of Muslims as terrorists.
Diversity designation.
RELS 3620: Thinking about Religion
Days: Monday/Wednesday
Time: 3-4:20 pm
Location: GC 1770
How do varied religious beliefs influence culture, personality, and relationships?
In which ways does religion affect (inter-)national ideologies and geopolitical trends?
How might we trace the origins of certain “secular” concepts to religious precursors?
This course will explore potential answers to those questions while investigating
the central debates, concepts, issues, and disciplinary approaches to studying religion
as an academic subject.
ARAB 4880: Visions of Islam
Days: Monday/Wednesday
Time: 11:50 am- 1:10 pm
Location: BEH S 107 (location on flyer is incorrect)
An introduction to Islam that explores the religious beliefs and customs of the faith
as understood and practiced by Muslims for over 1400 years. The course will consider
modern, historical, and original sources, to understand different approaches to Islam,
including politics, culture, theology, law, and identity. This course will be conducted
in English.

SOC 3960-001/ 6965-005: Refugees
Days: Monday/Wednesday
Time: 10:45-11:35 am
This course covers current social theories and knowledge about human rights, health
and crimes related to refugees.
FCS 3290: Race, Ethnicity and Family Diversity
Day: Monday
Time: 2-5 pm
Location: Alfred Emery Building 320
This course examines how race and ethnicity shape and structure family life in the
United States. Utilizing a multidisciplinary lens, as well as theoretical and empirical
research, students will analyze the diversity among major racial and ethnic groups,
including Latinx, Black, Asian American, Native American, Anglo American and multiracial
families. In addition to examining the respective cultures, heritage, and strategies
for resilience, students will explore the challenges facing families due to marginalization
and the potential of social and public policies for addressing these challenges.
This course fulfills a Diversity Requirement (DV) & the Humanities Exploration Requirement