Model Arab League Achievements at Regionals
The Model Arab League is a student leadership development program from the National Council on US-Arab Relations. Representing one of the Arab League's 22 member-states, student delegates work to
achieve consensus on questions with which real-life diplomats wrestle daily. They
write, debate, and pass resolutions that seek to resolve some of the Arab countries'
most difficult challenges. The dynamics and interactive nature of the role-playing
among the students stimulate critical thinking, heighten creativity, expand knowledge,
and cultivate understanding as no book, video, or coursework ever could.
This past weekend, the Rocky Mountain Regional Model finals in Denver concluded with most students from the University of Utah receiving an award for their achievements. Overall, the U placed 2nd in the challenge. United States Airforce Academy placed first, and BYU came in 3rd place.
We send our congratulations to all who participated.